We are proud to sponsor WIRES. In the past, we have sponsored several sausage sizzles where all proceeds went directly to WIRES.
Now as Gold Members, we encourage our field teams to attend Rescue and Immediate Care training as part of our commitment to protect the environment and native wildlife.
A big portion of our work includes civil land clearing on major infrastructures, such as the Mona Vale West Road widening project. On projects like these, some native fauna may be dislodged.
We are working closely with ecologists Dragon Fly, and are committed to provide field crews that are trained with hands on experience in native animal rescue.
“We are proud to be part of this initiative. With hands on training experience through WIRES means our field crews understand the correct procedures to help relocate native wildlife.”– Tony Plummer
Our team leaders have installed the WIRES app on their mobile devices, for quick and easy reference.
To learn more about native wildlife rescue, please contact WIRES on 1300 094 737